Community Pools
Community Pools allow users to create incentive-driven campaigns to promote specific content or initiatives. These pools are divided into two categories: Post and Video, each with its own requirements and reward structure.
To maintain trust and prevent abuse, Community Pools:
Cannot Be Canceled or Modified Once Created: This ensures that creators cannot remove or modify pools unexpectedly, protecting participants and preventing unfavorable creator behavior.
Can Be Canceled if Created through Crowdfunding: For pools where the total value is collected through crowdfunding, the pool can be canceled, and all contributions will be returned to the contributors, but only if the target value has not been reached and the pool has not become active. Pools created by using crowdfunding cannot be modified after creation, ensuring fairness for all contributors.
Participants' Contributions Visibility: All posts or videos submitted by participants are publicly visible within each pool.
Pool Categories
Platform: X (Twitter)
Minimum Reward per Post: 0.5 USDC
Minimum Number of Posts: 10
Maximum Number of Posts: 100
Minimum Total Pool Size: 5 USDC
Platform: YouTube
Minimum Reward per Video: 5 USDC
Minimum Number of Videos: 10
Maximum Number of Videos: 100
Minimum Total Pool Size: 50 USDC
The total value of a pool is determined by the reward set per post or video and the number of posts or videos accepted. Additionally, the size of the reward should be closely aligned with the requirements of the pool.
Pool Creation Requirements
When creating a Community Pool, the creator must:
Provide a link to the X (Twitter) account of the entity for which the pool is being created.
Specify participant requirements, such as minimum follower count, required tags or hashtags, post or video length, etc.
Creators can choose between two options for creating a Community Pool:
Direct Creation: The pool is funded entirely by the creator, meeting the minimum total pool size requirements.
Crowdfunding: The pool is funded by contributions collected through crowdfunding (with a minimum contribution of 1 USDC). In this case, the pool can be canceled, and contributions refunded, but only if the target value has not been reached and the pool has not become active. These pools also cannot be modified after creation.
Creators must also pay a fixed fee of 1 USDC plus a variable percentage based on the total pool size:
Less than 100 USDC: 10%
Between 100 and 500 USDC: 5%
500 USDC or more: 2%
Participants can join Community Pools under the following conditions:
Daily Participation Limit: Each participant can join a pool only once per day.
Unique Contribution: Participants must provide a unique post or video link for each submission.
Unique Identifier: Participants will receive a unique ID to include in their posts or videos, ensuring ownership and preventing the misuse of content belonging to others.
Immutable Submission: Participants should carefully review their submission before sending it, as once it is made, it cannot be deleted or modified.
Validation Process
Creators have 3 days to review participant submissions:
Valid Submissions: If the submission meets the requirements, no action is needed, and the participant can claim their reward after 3 days.
Invalid Submissions: If the submission does not meet the requirements, the creator can invalidate it, selecting a reason from a pre-defined list to provide feedback to the participant.
Invalidated participants will have their addresses highlighted in red for a period of time, warning other pool creators of potential misuse.
Invalidated participants are restricted from further participation in that pool.
Trust and Accountability
To ensure transparency and trust:
Pool Voting: Participants can rate pools with a thumb up or thumb down after engagement. A pool’s overall feedback score is visible to help participants assess the reliability of the pool.
Participant Reputation: Users flagged for invalid submissions will have their addresses highlighted in red, serving as a warning for other pool creators to review their submissions more carefully.
Last updated